
The Message of Zechariah: Your Kingdom Come is unavailable, but you can change that!

In oracles and visions, Zechariah challenged his hearers to return to the coming kingdom, to cleanse themselves in anticipation of the cleansing fountain of God’s grace, and to restore the city of Jerusalem in preparation for its coming glorification. The promises of God in the book of Zechariah are meant to fuel the faithfulness of God’s people and to prepare the way for the promised Messiah. ...

and without further warrant we must allow him to remain anonymous. It does not really matter who he is; it is what he is doing that is significant, and it appears to be eminently sensible. He appears to have taken the promise of 1:16 to heart and is beginning to act on it. The LORD has said that the measuring line will be stretched over Jerusalem, which, at the very least, must mean that it will not stay in its present state of disrepair. So, in general terms at least, the will of God is plain, and
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